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Joseph Barker

Joseph Barker

LCSW, LCDC, Clinical Director

TITLE:  Clinical Director

Joseph has been in active recovery from alcohol and drugs since 2012. Since joining the BARC team in 2015 he has earned his Bachelor of Social Work degree from the University of Houston – Clear Lake, and his Master of Social Work degree from the University of Texas at Arlington with a concentration on Direct Practice in Mental Health and Substance Abuse.

Today, Joseph is a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor and a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Joseph uses an eclectic approach to truly individualize care for each patient, treating Substance Use Disorders alongside Co-Occurring Disorders such as depression, anxiety, and trauma. As an LCSW Joseph recognized that our patients’ support systems and families are a vital part of the recovery process, and incorporates family sessions into the treatment planning to improve family education, communication skills, and aftercare needs.

When Joseph is not meeting patients and their families at each of our 8 different Residential and Outpatient locations across the Houston area, he is probably driving both of his daughters to their many afterschool activities. He loves movie nights with his wife and daughters, and playing Dungeons and Dragons with his friends.

All Posts By Joseph Barker

Choosing the Right Level of Care for Addiction Recovery

There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to receiving care for substance use disorders. Where one person might need medical intervention to help ease off of heavy and continued use, another might need relapse prevention planning and coping strategies. Luckily there are many types of service at different levels of care, ranging from early intervention/prevention strategies, to 24-hour medically managed...

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Alcohol is a Hard Drug

When most people hear the term “hard drugs” they probably think of heroin and other opiates, meth, or cocaine. These drugs get a lot of attention due to the current drug crises in cities and towns across America involving fentanyl overdoses and prescription drug abuse. However there is another substance many fail to recognize as a “hard drug,” yet its...

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Stages of Change and Recovery

Whenever anyone has an issue they want to change about themselves, they go through steps or stages to bring about that change. Whether we want to change our diet and start working out as a New Year’s resolution, stop leaving dirty dishes around the house, or overcome alcohol and drug addiction, we all go through stages of change over a...

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Effects of Addiction on the Family

Many people who struggle with alcohol and drug addiction readily admit that their behavior is destructive and harmful. At certain times they might admit that their addiction is causing themselves emotional, physical, or financial harm, but often those same people have difficulty acknowledging the harm their addiction is doing to their families.   Even though the individual who is active...

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How to Stay Sober During the Holidays

The Holiday Season is fast approaching. And while this time of year is usually perceived as a period of happiness and community, for those in recovery or in active addiction these few months can often be triggering and anxiety-inducing. Thanksgiving Day get-togethers, Christmas parties at work, the change in season and weather, spending more time with family, reliving memories of...

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Why is Fentanyl Use so Dangerous?

Over the past decade drug overdoses and drug overdose deaths have more than doubled.[1] One of the main reasons for this increase is the prevalence of fentanyl in illicit street drugs. While many of us have heard of fentanyl on the news or on social media, some may not know much about it. What is Fentanyl Fentanyl is a synthetic...

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Causes of Addiction: Nature vs. Nurture

At Bay Area Recovery Center, we frequently meet with the families and loved ones of individuals suffering from addiction and substance use disorders. Addiction can cause an incredible amount of emotional pain within a family. There are often feelings of betrayal, distrust, confusion and anger from the family toward the individual who is addicted to a substance. Most times the...

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Alcoholism Is Like An Allergic Reaction

  “These allergic types can never safely use alcohol in any form at all; and once having formed the habit and found they cannot break it…their problems pile up on them and become astonishingly difficult to solve.”   William D. Silkworth, M.D. The Big Book of AA This quote is taken from a chapter in the Big Book of Alcoholics...

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Will My Health Insurance Pay for Treatment?

Coming to the realization that you may need rehab for an alcohol or drug dependency can be very daunting.  From coming to terms with an addiction, to choosing the right treatment center and figuring out how you will pay for it can be overwhelming to say the least.  Fortunately, unlike in the past, nearly all insurance plans cover at least...

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Treating Alcoholism with Medication

Is There A Permanent Cure For Alcoholism Unfortunately there is no cure for alcoholism or Alcohol Use Disorder. There is no pill or medicine that enables someone to drink safely and without consequences. There is no pill that will make someone stay completely abstinent from alcohol...not yet anyway. People with alcoholism or Alcohol Use Disorder have to use a combination...

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Learn More About Our Programs

If you or your loved one is ready to get sober, give us a call today and speak with a qualified addiction treatment professional today. This is not a sales call, our team is here to help and answer all of your questions. Regardless if you are ready to come in today or next month. We are here to answer your questions and help you understand what it takes to overcome addiction.

When you call, our team will guide you and explain which addiction treatment program is best for you, and how they help addicts achieve long term sobriety. Call us now or fill out a contact form and we’ll be in touch to answer your questions.