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William Smith

William Smith

LCDC, SAP, ADC, Admissions Director

William, better known as Billy around here is head of our admissions team. If you inquire about any of our treatment services, you will most likely speak with Billy in some capacity. Billy is one of the most passionate people when it comes down to recovery. You don’t have to have a long conversation to understand how much he cares about helping others. A recovered addict himself, he knows how miserable it is for those and their families who suffer from alcohol and drug addiction. He has been a part of Bay Area Recovery Center since 2008. Billy is a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor, Substance Abuse Professional and Board-Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor on a state, national and international level. Billy is married to his high school sweetheart of 35 yrs. They share two daughters and two grandkids. When there is ever a chance Billy is not working, he loves to spend time with his wife or on his back yard pier, fishing in Galveston Bay.

All Posts By William Smith

What pregnant woman should know about addiction

Many states have recently enacted laws to crack down on mothers who expose their unborn children to illicit substances, but the consumption of drugs and alcohol during pregnancy remains relatively common. As recently as 2012, nearly six percent of expectant mothers reported using illegal drugs during their pregnancy, along with another eight and a half percent who used alcohol. However, this same study...

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The Dangers of a Codependency and Drug Abuse

Codependency in a drug abusing relationship is characterized by the sober partner fixated on helping the addict meet their needs, to the detriment of their own. It's a family issue that is very common, fueled by the emotional fact that is difficult for anyone to watch a loved one spiral out of control. As the codependent partner focuses on helping the...

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Is Drug Abuse Sending More Babies Into Foster Care?

A heartbreaking trend of more infants and toddlers being thrust into foster care has child welfare professionals on high alert. Many experts are drawing links to the opioid and methamphetamine addiction crisis that has devastated families across the country. With the nation’s welfare system already strained, rampant drug addiction continues to force more young children into foster care and pushing...

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Dual Diagnosis While Treating Addiction

What is A Dual Diagnosis? The term "dual diagnosis" is used to describe a person who struggles with both a mental health issue and substance abuse. When an addiction co-occurs with a psychological disorder, the patient may not realize ​the existence of the mental issues due to the overwhelming dominance of the substance abuse and its specific behaviors. The reality...

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The Pros and Cons of Needle Exchange Programs

It is no secret that opioid use is on the rise in communities across the country. Illegal substance abuse in rural, urban, and suburban homes that may have begun with a prescribed pain killer is now being affected by a national tightening of opioid-based pharmaceuticals. The unfortunate collateral damage has resulted in an epidemic of "pill to needle" drug users. According to...

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Why Rural Areas Do Not Have As Much Help For Addiction

Throughout the country, in areas both urban and rural, waiting lists for addiction recovery centers are long—and growing. But for those in rural areas, the potential obstacles that lie between a person struggling with addiction and a treatment program targeted to their needs and budget can seem nearly insurmountable. Fewer Providers Many newly-minted psychologists and psychiatrists find themselves drawn to...

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Is Alcohol-Related Liver Disease Increasing?

According to a study conducted by the British Medical Journal, the number of deaths caused by liver diseases in the United States has risen sharply in the past two decades. Researchers found that cirrhosis-related deaths went up 65 percent between 1999 and 2016; the same period saw the number of deaths resulting from liver cancer double. Significantly, the report attributes this...

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What Is Texas’s Prescription Drug Disposal Program?

The nationwide opioid crisis continues to batter the Lone Star State, with both rural and urban parts of Texas experiencing record numbers of opioid-related overdoses. In 2016, nearly 3,000 Texans died of drug overdoses, with 1,375 of these deaths directly attributable to opioids. As part of a multifaceted response to this problem, Texas public health officials have recently launched a...

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Can Quitting Smoking Help With Treating Addiction?

Since the earliest days of Alcoholics Anonymous, with coffee flowing and cigarette smoke pooling in the rafters, tobacco use and addiction recovery have seemed indelibly interlinked. A daily cigarette (or pack) can provide those who are struggling with addiction a much-needed physical and mental refuge, a single vice to be retained after giving up all other addictive substances. Is Smoking Popular with...

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Learn More About Our Programs

If you or your loved one is ready to get sober, give us a call today and speak with a qualified addiction treatment professional today. This is not a sales call, our team is here to help and answer all of your questions. Regardless if you are ready to come in today or next month. We are here to answer your questions and help you understand what it takes to overcome addiction.

When you call, our team will guide you and explain which addiction treatment program is best for you, and how they help addicts achieve long term sobriety. Call us now or fill out a contact form and we’ll be in touch to answer your questions.