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Recognizing the Signs Of Addiction in a Loved One
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Recognizing the Signs Of Addiction in a Loved One

Recognizing the Signs Of Addiction in a Loved One

Sad WomanDrug and alcohol abuse can affect anyone, but it’s often difficult to face the situation if it’s your loved one that you suspect may be caught in the grips of addiction. Learning to recognize the signs and symptoms of drug and alcohol addiction, however, can be the important first step in helping the person you love achieve sobriety. Keep in mind that many drug and alcohol addicts will try to conceal the signs of their abuse and minimize their problems; that’s why it’s so important that you pay attention if your friend or loved one is displaying any of the warning signs below.

Physical Symptoms

Some of the most telltale signs of drug and alcohol abuse are physically evident in your loved one’s changed appearance. Eyes that are bloodshot or glazed and pupils that are dilated or constricted can indicate abuse of a wide range of substances, from marijuana to heroin. Unexplained weight gain or loss, unusual hair loss or thinning, and unusual body odor are also common symptoms of substance abuse.

Other physical signs of addiction may be present. Changes in sleep patterns and appetite frequently occur with substance abuse, and coordination and speech may be affected.

Behavioral Signs

As an addiction to drugs or alcohol intensifies, signs of such abuse typically start to appear in a person’s behavior. You might notice your loved one neglecting their responsibilities, such as failing to show up for work or experiencing a drop in their grades at school. Unexplained financial issues–particularly if accompanied by an increase in borrowing or stealing–can signal escalating drug use. Engaging in behaviors that seem suspicious or overly secretive, changing friend groups suddenly, and getting into trouble more frequently can also be key behavioral signs of addiction.

Psychological Changes

Beyond changes in physical appearance and behavior, addiction can manifest through unusual and sudden changes in personality and disposition. Many substances from alcohol to opioids can cause significant psychological changes when abused, from increased irritability and mood swings to periods of paranoia and overwhelming anxiety.

Depending on whether the substance your loved one is abusing is a stimulant or a depressant, other changes can occur; stimulants like cocaine and crystal meth can cause hyperactivity and agitation, while depressants like heroin and prescription opioids can lead to lethargy, decreased motivation and a “spaced out” appearance.

If the signs and symptoms listed above match the changes you see in your friend or loved one, what can you do to help them face their addiction to drugs or alcohol? The first step is speaking with them and sharing your concerns without judgment. Tell them the signs of drug or alcohol addiction that you’ve noticed them display, and encourage them to seek professional help. At the same time, accept that you can’t force your loved one to change; offer them support but avoid blaming yourself for their choices.

Learn More About Our Programs

If you or your loved one is ready to get sober, give us a call today and speak with a qualified addiction treatment professional today. This is not a sales call, our team is here to help and answer all of your questions. Regardless if you are ready to come in today or next month. We are here to answer your questions and help you understand what it takes to overcome addiction.

When you call, our team will guide you and explain which addiction treatment program is best for you, and how they help addicts achieve long term sobriety. Call us now or fill out a contact form and we’ll be in touch to answer your questions.

Locations In And Around Houston, TX

Men’s Residential Inpatient
1807 FM 517 Rd E Dickinson, TX 77539
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Women’s Residential Inpatient
3111 Yupon St Dickinson, TX 77539
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East Houston Outpatient Drug Rehab
1100 Hercules Ave #130 Houston, TX 77058
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Central Houston Outpatient Rehab
2915 S Sam Houston Pkwy E #300, Houston, TX 77047
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The Woodlands Outpatient Drug Rehab
431 Nursery Rd Suite A200, The Woodlands, TX 77380
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Pasadena Outpatient Drug Rehab
6427 Fairmont Pkwy #104 Pasadena, TX 7750
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Learn More About Our Programs

If you or your loved one is ready to get sober, give us a call today and speak with a qualified addiction treatment professional today. This is not a sales call, our team is here to help and answer all of your questions. Regardless if you are ready to come in today or next month. We are here to answer your questions and help you understand what it takes to overcome addiction.

When you call, our team will guide you and explain which addiction treatment program is best for you, and how they help addicts achieve long term sobriety. Call us now or fill out a contact form and we’ll be in touch to answer your questions.