Oxycotin Detox Center Houston

OxyContin is an opioid prescribed to treat symptoms of moderate to severe pain. This medication is designed to treat patients for prolonged periods of time for those who suffer from chronic pain. Although it’s been referred to a miracle drug for some, it is highly addictive and very dangerous if abused. Over the last several years this painkiller has been linked to numerous overdoses resulting in comas and death. OxyContin is basically Heroin in a clinically designed synthetic pill. It has also been referred to as Hillbilly Heroin stemming from the drug epidemic in the Appalachian Mountains and its surrounding communities.
Other Common or Street Names:
Oxy, OC, Hillbilly Heroin, Blues and Kickers
How people commonly use or ingest OxyContin:
Most people ingest OxyContin by swallowing the pill like most medications, however, after long-term use people build a higher tolerance to the pill. Once this takes place other methods of use are experimented with to obtain the same effects they want. Normally users will start chewing up or crushing the pill and either snorting it or adding it into shots of alcohol. In extreme cases users will revert to IV use by crushing the pill adding liquid to it and injecting it into their body intravenously. This medication is made to last 12 hours at a time also called extended release and modifying this pill by crushing or splitting is extremely dangerous. It significantly increases your chance of overdosing or death.
How to tell if someone is under the influence of OxyContin:
- Sedation
- Sleepiness, to the point of passing out
- Feeling of euphoria
- Impaired speech
- Impaired motor function
- Respiratory distress, slower breathing
- Lower heart rate
- Intestinal distress, vomiting or nausea
- Itching
- Constipation
- Perspiration/ sweating
- Lowered blood pressure
Signs of Addiction or active abuse:
- Exaggerating pain symptoms or suspected lying about pain levels
- Finding multiple medication bottles prescribed by different Doctors
- Needing refills before the medication is due to refill
- Aggression or mood change when medication is low or out
- Unusual spending habits
- Social changes, keeping to themselves, isolation
Symptoms of Withdrawal:
If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these symptoms get immediate medical attention or seek help from a qualified detox facility like Bay Area Recovery Center.
- Increased pulse
- High blood pressure
- Watery eyes and runny nose
- Chills and cold sweats
- Tremors and shaking
- Aching joints and muscles
- Vomiting and diarrhea
- Nausea, upset stomach
- Trouble sleeping
- excessive yawning
- Dilated eyes
- Loss of appetite
OxyContin Detox and Rehab
When a client starts our Detox Program they immediately see our doctor for a medical evaluation. Based on the doctor’s assessment of the patient an individualized treatment plan is implemented and medications are prescribed. For OxyContin we typically use a Suboxone taper lasting anywhere from 7-14 days. Over the taper we slowly reduce the amount given. There is almost no way to go from physically dependent of OxyContin to completely off of them without some symptoms but we try to make them as comfortable as possible. We continue to monitor vital signs and COWS (Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale) scores throughout until detox is completed. It is very important to have a medically supervised detox because of the factors and risks involved. We strive to provide the highest quality of care to give the safest detox as possible and encourage clients to participate in treatment while in detox if able.
Drug Detox, Addiction Treatment & Recovery
There are many different approaches when it comes to treatment for drug addiction; here at Bay Area Recovery Center we treat the whole person, not just the illness.
Treating drug addiction effectively means finding the mental illness responsible for causing the person’s addictive behavior and treating that first. Once the person detoxes and completes a seven day, 2 week, or 30 day treatment program, they might be ready to start outpatient therapy and counseling. Each person is different. And every phase of the recovery process is both challenging and impossible to predict without assessing the individual. That is why inpatient drug rehab programs are recommended for people suffering from an addiction to a prescription drug or other substance.
Treatment Programs & Options Available
- In-Patient Treatment
- Out-Patient Drug Treatment & Partial Day
- Women Only Drug Treatment Facilities
- Men Only Drug Treatment Centers
- Medically Assisted Drug Detox
- Faith Based Rehabilitation
- Most Insurance Plans Accepted
We have specialized treatment programs for every type of drug from barbiturates to stimulants, and prescription drugs to illicit substances.
There are many steps in the road to recovery, but the most important steps often involve:
- Intervention
- Detox
- Counseling
- Individual, Family, & Group Therapy